Slam Balls can be used to develop virtually every muscle group. These balls don’t bounce! A great way to perform exercises which involve explosive power. Perform a wide variety of exercises to improve the upper body, lower body and core strength; flexibility; conditioning; and joint integrity. Not suitable for slamming on rough surfaces (e.g. concrete, gravel). Wear and tear due to impact on rough surface
Key Feature
- Max Strength No Bounce Medicine Slam CrossFit Balls, Manufactured from highest quality rubber
- Textured rubber surface provides optimal grip during your workout, An excellent tool for a complete body workout
- Perfect for strengthening shoulders, back, arms and legs as well as improving abdominal strength, Can help to improve hand-eye coordination, flexibility and balance
- Provides weight-resistance through a full range of unrestricted natural motions - including throwing, swinging and rotation
- Use in the convenience and privacy of your own home, Available in different Weights & Easy to clean in minutes